How To Win At Blackjack
Blackjack is a game which can be played from 1 to 8 ordinary decks of cards online casino in india. Cards ranking 2 through 10 are scored with their face value. All face cards are worth exactly 10 points each Fun88. The Aces are semi-wild cards which are worth either 1 or 11 points. An Ace with any 10-point card is considered the highest hand in Blackjack. Paid odds are 3:2 for a winning Blackjack Fun88. If the player and the dealer both has a Blackjack, the bet is then considered a push. Besides a blackjack, a winning hand would be paid even more. Therefore, a 21-point hand is the highest and that is why the game is also known as 21. If either the dealer or the player has a hand over 21, it is called a bust or break and the busted party loses the game online casino in india. If both the player and the dealer go bust, the player loses because of house advantage. If the dealer and the player both tie, the bet is then considered a push.

Each round of Blackjack begins with players who place a bet in the circle or logo that is directly in front of them. The dealer then gives out 2 cards to each player including him/herself online casino in india. All players' cards are usually dealt with the cards face up. One of the dealer's cards would be dealt face up (which is known as the up card) while the other is dealt face down (which is known as the hole card). If the dealer's up card is a ten or an ace, it is possible that he might have a blackjack; in this case all players lose except those who have another blackjack Fun88. In the U.S, the dealer will immediately check his card for a blackjack, and if he does have one, he will collect all the losing bets and give those with another blackjack a push in their bets Fun88.

In an event that a dealer has an ace as an up card, he/she will most probably let the players to decide whether they would like to insure their hand of cards against a blackjack. This is like an insurance policy where you can choose to bet that something bad might happen. This insurance policy will reduce the odds if the dealer has a blackjack to 2:1. If the dealer has an ace as an up card and the player has a blackjack, the dealer might ask the player for "even money". Why? Because if the dealer and the player both has a blackjack, and the player agrees for an even money, the bet will result in an even money win no matter the dealer has a blackjack or not online casino in india. After all the players have decided to accept or decline the dealer's offer, the dealer will then proceed to check his hole card online casino in india.
After the dealer has checked his card and shows that he does not have a blackjack, the players then proceed to play their hands. But if the dealer has a blackjack, the game ends and a new round will begin after the dealer has collected all the losses Fun88.